Explore our nonprofit and LLC, two transformative
approaches for those dedicated to resolving social oppressions

Our nonprofit focuses on healing activities such as services for individuals and groups that support them in decolonizing their bodies and minds through the use of ancestral nervous system healing methods. When we have regulated nervous systems, we are balanced and can contribute to our families and communities as well as withstand traumatic experiences in this country. 

Our Mission

By focusing on the wellness of groups and individuals, we advance their talents and capacities to transform social inequities.

Our Values

Decolonize: Curb practices and systems that track, control, and punish populations, the Land, and all relations as part of colonial history. 

Wellness: Elevate well-being and balance in self-sustaining ways in order for teams to intervene on social forces that create dis-ease in bodies, relationships, and programs.

Please click for our nonprofit GuideStar profile

Federal Exempt ID 88-3782535

Board of Directors

Aurora García, M.A., Special Education Teacher & Avid Outdoor Adventurer, Yokuts Land

Marc Vélez Young, M.A.F.M., President/ Chief Consultant Industry Standard Inc., Accounting & Controllership, Yokuts Land

Meaghan Young, M.A., Special Education School District Administrator & Entrepreneur, Yokuts Land

Morghan Vélez Young, Ph.D., Teacher, Researcher, & Healer, Yokuts Land

Brown Girl Healing Logo - Mountains in Black and white .

Our LLC focuses on training activities such as services for nonprofit community-based organizations to learn about antiracism and decolonizing and then integrate that into their organizations. Many nonprofits mirror white supremacist practices just like the larger U.S. context and we help folks to transform that.

Our Mission

We provide expertise on nonprofit research, structures, and practices that heal and strengthen teams in order to advance their work in transforming historical social trauma for which we are all the heirs.

Our Values

Collaboration: Advance social impact with an authentic, shared strategy.

Decolonize: Curb practices and systems that track, control, and punish populations, the Land, and all relations as part of colonial history. 

Humility: Elevate knowledges that are derived from communities.

Our Approach

Brown Girl Healing LLC is a femme and Indigenous-led collective of facilitators and researchers, bringing Indigenous Knowledge and sciences to community-based teams.

We offer decades of experience serving in the community, collaborating with teams and communities who navigate oppressive systems.

By conducting studies, facilitating initiatives, and designing tools for your programs, we get to humbly amplify your team’s ability to address social oppressions in sustainable ways.

We love curating specialists that match your team’s priorities. 

Project Coordinator:

Dr. Morghan Vélez Young, Ph.D., is dedicated to the transformation and healing of populations impacted by historically oppressive forces in Western settings through teaching and research with Fresno State University as well as consulting with Brown Girl Healing LLC and Brown Girl Healing nonprofit.

Her work inside youth prisons, disinvested neighborhoods, and nonprofit organizations focuses on finding opportunities for change and the deliberate amplification of diverse voices and Indigenous lenses. Her academic publications reflect a through-line dedicated to asking questions about data on legal system institutional harm towards Indigenous and Latinx populations and community-based solutions.

It has been her honor to walk alongside community members who navigate poverty, racism, and generational oppression in order to fulfill the vision of the ancestors. Her family is Choctaw, Cherokee, and Tepehuan and informs her dedication to community transformation through academic and applied contributions.

Next Steps

If you’re ready to find out how Brown Girl Healing nonprofit or LLC can help your team, check-out our resources.